Monday, April 25, 2011

Ladies...It Matters...

Ladies...It matters. And for those of us that know better, we will be held accountable.

Take the time to watch this video. Written from ordinary Christian men's perspectives. Very eye opening.


  1. Hey, I saw your comments about this on FB and clicked and watched it. Oh, how I wish all women could see this! How I wish I had seen it when I was younger! And yet I wonder, if I had seen it, if I would have even cared?? Time and perspective have a way of changing things, don't they? :)

  2. I know exactly what you are saying. I'm saving this for my daughter for when she gets old enough to understand. I pray, with God's help, she'll be much more of a modest dresser than I ever was. The part about the church really gets to me. It is sad our husbands and Godly men are still confronted with church?!? If I notice, how can they not? I want to literally take this video and plead with ladies to watch it right then and there.

  3. Thank you for posting this! I'm going to send it to my daughters. They have been taught not only by us, their parents, but also a youth minister who was also a parent of teens. It truly had an impact on them. I think my college age daughter would love to share this with the young ladies she counsels. Thanks!


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