Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Homeschooling for the wrong reasons...a growing trend...

(Actually wrote this back in 2015, but never published it. And oh my! It's even MORE true today than when i first wrote it.)

I don't know about you, but I've noticed an alarming trend in the reasons why people are choosing to homeschool their kids.

Once upon a time, people chose to homeschool in order to instill in their children a Biblical worldview, to give them a better and more rounded academic education, to preserve the family unit, or because the Lord was calling/leading them to homeschool.

Today?!? You'll still get a lot of those responses, but you'll also get a lot of what I call the "perks" of homeschooling, but I hardly think those can be called reasons for homeschooling.

Here are several I have seen and heard. My kid:

...wants to be able to dress however they want, color their hair whatever color they want, or wear their hair however long/spiky/short they want. 

...can sleep in till noon and go to bed late.

...has no homework.

...won't get into trouble for their behavior anymore.

...can learn whatever they want.

...won't have to deal with bullies.

...can take off from school whenever.

Don't get me wrong, perks are great! However, they are not good enough reasons to sustain you through the tough times or keep you going for the long haul. Homeschooling is very rewarding, but it is also hard work.

It takes patience, planning, dedication, and a whole lot more.

I get so irritated when I hear people say they "just wing it". There is NO winging it! You either take your child's education seriously or you don't.

I'm on several homeschooling pages and I see time and time again where a parent posts..."I've just taken my kid out of public school, now what do I do?." Seriously!?! Don't you think you should have thought about that huge decision just a little before jumping in? Don't get me wrong, I realize, for a small percentage of people, something happens all of sudden and their child must be taken out immediately. I get that, but it is happening more and more and is becoming the norm. I really think some people are seriously misguided into thinking homeschooling is a cake walk.

It also scares me some because we (homeschoolers) are always being watched. They (the people and organizations against homeschooling) are just waiting to jump in and take away this freedom. I'm sure they can see the growing trend of people just 'winging it' too.

We are actually very blessed in the state of Texas regarding homeschooling. We have very few guidelines to follow that dictate how/what we have to teach and I love that freedom :)

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