Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Why is homeschooling so offensive to some people?

(I wrote this several years ago, but never got around to publishing it. It's interesting to see how different things are now that we've fast forwarded a few years...some things better and some things worse, but that's for another discussion.)

I certainly don't get offended when people tell me their kids go to public school. I don't wrinkle my nose or roll my eyes or make rude comments to others like, 'You are going to ruin your child', or 'I don't agree with public schooling', or any of the other number of comments that have been made to me throughout the years when people ask me where my kids go to school. 

If someone's educational choice causes such offense, then why don't people get offended when someone chooses to go to a private or charter school or even a different public school than their children? Why don't people get offended when others choose to live in a different town than they do? Or have the favorite color of blue instead of red? Or have a different favorite sports team than theirs? Scratch that...sorry, people do get crazy when it comes to sports...lol!

Is it fear of someone 'doing it differently' that causes them to find offense? Is it ignorance or just not knowing or understanding what homeschooling is all about? Could it be misplaced guilt in some cases to where God has impressed upon that individual to homeschool, but they are running away from that calling? Do some see it as a competition? Homeschool vs public school?

I don't look at it as a versus thing. I look at homeschooling as just one of the many educational choices out there parents have to choose from. On a deeper note, for our family, it's not just a choice, but it is also a calling the Lord placed on our hearts. 

Sadly, it's at church, of all places, that I feel my homeschooling "offends" others the most :( It didn't use to be this way. I don't know why the tides have changed. There are MANY public school educators at our church. Having been a teacher in the public education system, perhaps they feel as if I've "abandoned" them? Do they think I think I'm better than them because I'm choosing not to be in the public school? I certainly hope not! 

I don't parade around the fact that I homeschool. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I'm very private at church about our educational choices. I only discuss homeschooling things with other homeschooling families or others who sincerely have questions and want to know more...which are VERY few when it comes to sincerity :/

Because of this, I see the effects it has on my children. Ignorant comments made by supposed "friends" :(

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