Thursday, September 2, 2021

My Father's World Kindergarten Unit 11 Insects, Abeka Kinder, and Saxon Kinder

Trying to align Kindergarten Abeka Language with My Father's World Kindergarten takes quite a bit of time and planning. However, I love both and wanted to find a way to better meld the two together so I don't thoroughly confuse my boys. 

My lesson plans are usually 4 days a week because we attend a homeschool co op on the 5th day. Because of that, you'll notice that some of the MFW days are combined. This gives you an idea of how I am melding the two together tho and can easily be spread back out to a 5 or even 6 day week.

Monday - Abeka Language Day 1, Saxon Lesson 1, and MFW Unit 11 Insects Days 1 & 2

Tuesday - co-op

Wednesday - Abeka Language Day 2, Saxon Lesson 2, MFW Unit 11 Insects Day 3

Thursday -  Abeka Language Day 3, Saxon Lesson 3, MFW Unit 11 Insects Day 4

Friday - Abeka Language Day 4, Saxon Lesson 4, MFW Unit 11 Insects Day 5 & 6

We put together an ant farm, ordered lady bugs for our ladybug habitat, watched several educational insect videos on you tube about ants, bees, and ladybugs. We read The Bee Tree and the Grouchy Ladybug, painted lady bug rocks, practiced our letters Ii's on the markerboard, had a tasty ants in the sand snack (saltine crackers with peanut butter on top and mini 'ant' chocolate chips) and a yummy honey biscuit treat.

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