Shepherding a Child's Heart - This was given to me by my sister. It was the first book I read. It focuses on the heart issues of children and, while behavioral issues are a problem, they are secondary to the heart issues. Once the heart issues are understood and taken care of then the behavioral issues will fall in line. Part 1 addresses the foundations for Biblical childrearing and part 2 addresses shepherding through the stages of childhood. This was a very good book. It made me think about things I had not thought of before or think of things differently than what I had previously thought.

Instructing A Child's Heart - This book is along the line of its predecessor above. While the first focused on the heart being the issue, this one focuses on how to impress and instruct the heart with truth by pointing them to God. Part 1 is called 'the call to formative instruction'. Part 2 is titled 'introduction to formative instruction' and Part 3 is called 'application of formative instruction'. My sister brought this down with her when she came to visit. I did not have time to read it while she was here, but I did get to glance through it. Here is what the back cover of this book has to say: "From interaction with their peers to the instruction and correction that they receive at home, children interpret their experiences from a worldview that seeks to answer their fundamental questions: Who am I? What do I exist for? Where can I find joy? We need to provide our children with a consistent, persuasive, Biblical framework for understanding the world God has made and their place in it."

Creative Correction - My sister let me borrow this one. I didn't read every single chapter, but instead focused on the chapters I found the most interesting to me at this time. I really liked it and may have to purchase one for myself in order ro read the other chapters ;) This is like a book within a book. It's huuge! I felt like it needed tabs or something for quick referencing situations. The title of this book pretty much speaks for what the book is about...offering unique ways to get your child's attention and to correct their behavior. The book is broken up into several chapters which talk about a specific topic and each chapter has it's own "tool box" which is more or less examples and creative ways to address those topics. There are also tons of Biblical references, Biblical stories as well as made up stories that go along with each topic. These are not all of the chapters, but there are chapters on...
*rewards (motivational, extra-time, extra-good behavior)
*problem areas (cleaning, school, traits, chores)
*ideas from Proverbs
*sibling conflict
*help with prayers for specific offenses
*section just about toddlers
*study guide
*spanking guidelines (I really liked these)

Parenting with Scripture - My sister let me borrow this one and then I purchased it for myself. It is a great A to Z topical reference guide...probably more topics than I'll ever need, but hey, they're there if I ever need them :) Almost every topic (or target behavior) has the definition of the word, multiple Bible Scriptures, discussion questions, ways the kids can take action or do things differently the next time around, as well as Bible memorization. I have found myself using this book when I need to have a more in-depth one-on-one discussion with my kids. When my son and/or daughter is waiting in his/her room, it not only gives them time to calm down, but me time as well. This also gives me time to find the topic in the book, read through it, figure out what action to take, then head to their room for discussion. I take the book right on in with me to reference back to.

Wise Words for Moms - This is a quick reference calendar style chart. It contains many of the behavior issues we confront on a day to day basis. It lists the behaviors, heart probing questions, reproof verse, encouragement verse, as well as additional verses. I find myself using this chart in those 'quick-correction' moments or times when my kids (my brother, their friends, etc...) all need spoken to together as a group.

One other thing that we have found to be a helpful training resource is the Biblical Reminders chart we recently added to our school room. When in the middle of teaching, an activity, an assigment, etc..., I can quickly reference to a number or a Bible verse to correct a certain behavior. The kids helped me come up with the areas we struggle with the most in a typical school day and we found verses to go along with those areas. We have gone over each verse in detail, what it means, ways to correct the behavior, etc... so the kids know right away what I am referring to when I say or point to a verse/number and *hopefully* will begin correcting the behavior right away without further interruption. This has worked *most* of the time so far :)
In school speak...
#1 corresponds with "Always do your best."
#2 corresponds with "Follow Directions".
#3 corresponds with "Be polite, courteous, and respectful of others and their property."
#4 corresponds with "Be helpful to your friends."
#5 corresponds with "Use kind words and actions."
Anyway, thought I'd pass along this info in case these books will be of help to anyone else :)
Great list, Pauline! I have the Tripp books and Creative Correction, and I'm going to add Wise Words to my Rainbow Resource order when I get the rest of our school stuff together for next year.
ReplyDeleteHope you're having a great week!!
This is a great list, but I think the thing I love the most is the poster y'all made! I especially love that you had the kids work with you to make it!!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the books ... I love, love, love Creative Correction, but mine is lent out right now. :( And you reminded me that I *desperately* need to pull out my copy of Shepherding A Child's Heart and reread it. (I have a study guide for it, too, but I never got around to doing it. :P ) I have noticed that I've been focusing on outward behavior lately, and I need to transform my mind so I'm focusing on their hearts more.
Thanks for these posts, Pauline! :)