My School Room Necessities
1. Storage, Storage, Storage!
I am finding the longer I homeschool, the more storage I need. My cabinets and shelves hold all sorts of things: curriculum, games, manipulatives, art supplies, etc... You know the saying, "A place for everything and everything in its place", well I am also finding that adequate storage helps keep my school room uncluttered and in order and my school day running smoothly.
2. Personal Space
The cubbies hold the things we use every teacher's manuals, the kiddos' workbooks, reading books, and other misc. every day supplies. Each person has his/her own personal space (including me). This helps cut down on missing, misplaced, or lost items. If a cubby is messy or cluttered, there is no one to blame, but the person to whom the space belongs.
3. Good Work Spaces
When my kiddos were younger, we mainly used small, hand-held dry erase boards. Now, we still have them and use them regularly, but I am also finding my large dry erase wall board to be a very valuable work space as well.
Another valuable work space is our adjustable table. We will still use the floor, beanbags, or even the couch, but a good table and chairs will help promote proper posture and good writing habits. I love the fact the table is adjustable. My table can grow right along with my kids :)
When my kiddos were younger, we mainly used small, hand-held dry erase boards. Now, we still have them and use them regularly, but I am also finding my large dry erase wall board to be a very valuable work space as well.
Another valuable work space is our adjustable table. We will still use the floor, beanbags, or even the couch, but a good table and chairs will help promote proper posture and good writing habits. I love the fact the table is adjustable. My table can grow right along with my kids :)
4. Good Lighting
As you can tell from my large windows, I love lots of natural lighting! Whether your lighting is artificial or natural, you need to have an adequate amount of it to promote good eye health and to keep your kids' eyes from having to strain.
5. Biblical School Room Reminders
I used to teach in the public school and having a list of reminders (or rules) for my classroom always helped things to run smoothly.
In school speak...
#1 corresponds with "Always do your best."
#2 corresponds with "Follow Directions".
#3 corresponds with "Be polite, courteous, and respectful of others and their property."
#4 corresponds with "Be helpful to your friends."
#5 corresponds with "Use kind words and actions."
To read more about our school room transformation, please check out this post.