Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 1 (Part 2) Shabbat!

Here are a few highlights from our week.

Well, this week didn't go quite according to our plans either, but we have learned to work with what we are given.

We broke our first week of CtG into 2 weeks. This week, we primarily focused on the actual Sabbath celebration. (To see what we did last week, click here.)

We had a gazillion things that popped up on Friday and inevitably, there were some things that didn't get done. One being the house. It was not really clean at all, although we made sure the area where our Sabbath celebration took place was!

We didn't end up doing the full blown Sabbath meal as we had planned for a number of reasons, but we were able to do the Friday evening part of Sabbath (for the most part) as it was written in the book Celebrating Biblical Feasts.

Kiddos each made a loaf of challah

The table is ready!

Saturday and Sunday were full as well and we were not able to get to any of the Sabbath celebrations those day, but we were able to participate in a ministry through our church called His Hands His Feet. We helped make cards, set up tables and decorations, pass out meals, and clean up as a "thank you" to the first responders in our town for their hard-work, dedication, and all they do to help our community. 
kitchen craziness

In the end, we were not able to do all the Sabbath celebrations as we had planned, but it all worked out according to the plans God had for us that weekend :) 

We are looking forward to week 2 of CtG!


  1. I wasn't sure how it would turn out b/c of the craziness of the day. I thought the bread only needed to rise 1.5 hours (and that was all the time I allotted), but turns out, it needed more like 3 hours total to rise. That is what I get for 'skimming' thru the! I had to stick it in the fridge for a few hours while we went and did the His Hands His Feet thing. Then, when we got back, we baked it. I thought for sure that would ruin it (and it may not have risen up as much as it should have), but it tasted pretty good. We ate that first loaf and I froze the other one.


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