Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love is...

Love is NOT a fancy restaurant or an extravagant meal.

Love is NOT about money or an expensive gift.

Love is NOT about who can "out-do" or "out-buy" someone else.

Sure, there is nothing wrong with going out to eat, surprising the one you love with a gift, and all those other things we tend to do on Valentine's Day.

Love is so much more than that. Love is 1 Corinthians 13... God is love. There's a song I remember singing in the play "Down By the Creek Bank" when I was a kid called "Love Is". Here are the words below.

"Love is a very special thing:
a smile, a tear, a soft summer rain.
It has no beginning; it has no end,
but I like it best when it's shared with a friend.

 Love is never stuffed up, never puffed up,
never gives up when the goings rough.
It's the biggest little word you can say, by the way.
It's sympathy, sincerity, it's charity, the main variety,
 of everything happiness is made of.
 And I like it best when it's shared with a friend"

Who are you going to share your love...God's love... with today?

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